Selected Posts on Anti-Relativity - 物理の勉強掲示板

Selected Posts on Anti-Relativity

0nakayama 2023/02/18 09:14  4728view
Michelson-Morley Experiment

It (done in air) is nonsense. In air, light is propagated at c/n. So, the result of M-M experiment (done in air) is only natural.

In a book "Theory of Relativity" by Pauli, W 1958, it's written as follows (quoted from English version ; in 1-6). "Rather should one say that for an observer moving with medium, light is propagated as usual with velocity c/n in all directions".

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8nakayama 2023/02/18 19:24
Propagated of light (2)
In outer space, a starlight is reflected by a mirror. There is a formula c = f λ. Now, the mirror is stationary. In comparing of incident light and reflected light, f is the same. And usually, c & λ are different.                   
Now, the mirror moves in the direction of the light path of incident light. In the formula on incident light, λ is constant. And c & f will be variables. And in the formula on reflected light, c is constant. And f & λ will be variables.
7nakayama 2023/02/18 09:51

All kinds of aberration are caused by motion of Earth. Qualitatively, quantitatively. For example, cycle of annual aberration is 365 days. It is reflection of motion of Earth. On the other hand, any motion of star’s side has no influence. Only position on the celestial sphere is valid. These facts will be explainable only by aether.

For an observer stationary with respect to the aether frame, there will be no aberration.
6nakayama 2023/02/18 09:40
Lorentz Contraction

Plane waves of starlight (wavelength is constant) is arriving from upper left 45 degrees. Two spacecrafts are sailing in the right and left directions. Number of waves hitting the front and rear ends (A and B) of each spacecraft is the same. Therefore, number of waves existing between A and B is invariant (for both spacecrafts, regardless of lateral motion). Lorentz contractions will be impossible.

Relativity of simultaneity will be impossible also.
5nakayama 2023/02/18 09:36

Aberration is caused by various motions of Earth relative to stationary aether (uniform isotropic). Light that enters upper air of Earth (from aether) is bent in the direction of motion of Earth. As a phenomenon, aberration is completed in the upper air. The same as refraction.

Therefore, illustration of raindrops and an umbrella is NG. Result of Airy’s experiment with a water-filled telescope is only natural. It is said that apparent displacement of stars is displaced in the direction of Earth’s motion, but in fact, it will be the opposite. You can check this by drawing light bending (in upper air) on a paper.

4nakayama 2023/02/18 09:33
Inertial Force is not Fictitious

The same five bodies (mass m) are lined up sideways on a horizontal plane. Five bodies are tied with four strings. Assume that horizontal plane is zero friction, and mass of strings is zero. On right most body, force of 5ma is acting to the right and five bodies start a uniform linear accelerating motion toward the right. Tension acting on four strings are, from right to left, 4ma, 3ma, 2ma, and 1ma.

Tension in the string above will be the same to an observer of any frame of motion. Inertial force (accelerated motion) is not fictitious.
3nakayama 2023/02/18 09:29
Equivalence principle

For gravity and inertial force in free-falling elevator, acceptable explanation will be Newton’s law of action and reaction. Equivalence principle should be forgotten.

2nakayama 2023/02/18 09:22
Propagation of Light

Light is propagated in two ways (as follows).
1. In outer space, a star light is reflected by a mirror. Speed of incident light is constant relative to aether.
2. In outer space, a star light is reflected by a mirror. Speed of reflected light is constant relative to the mirror (the emission theory).

In two pictures sbove each, speed of light to a moving observer follows Galilean transformation.
1nakayama 2023/02/18 09:20
Speed of Light

The defined value of speed of light is based on measurements (with wavelength and frequency) done by Evenson et al. in 1973. Error is 1.1 m / s in pramai. Now measuring instrument is separated into a measuring part and a light source part. When one of them is moved at a constant speed higher than above error (in the direction of light path), different value will be obtained.
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